Bruce W. Stillman
President and Chief Executive Officer, Professor
Ph.D., Australian National University, 1979
Dr. Bruce Stillman is President and Chief Executive Officer of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. A native of Australia, he obtained a Bachelor of Science degree with honors at The University of Sydney and a Ph.D. from the John Curtin School of Medical Research at the Australian National University. He then moved to Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory as a Postdoctoral Fellow in 1979 and has been at the Laboratory ever since, being promoted to the scientific staff in 1981. Dr. Stillman was Director of the Cancer Center at Cold Spring Harbor from 1992 to 2016. In 1994, he succeeded Nobel Laureate Dr. James D. Watson as Director of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and was appointed President in 2003.
Executive Assistant
Carol Link
Office: 516-367-8497
Fax: 516-367-8879
2022 Stillman Lab Members
Back Row: Anthony Cocozzelli, Yi-Jun Sheu, Bruce Stillman, Carol Link, Greg McDermott, Manzar Hossain
Front Row: Kimberly Hane, Sanjay Naik, Yixin (Elaine) Hu, Kuhulika Bhalla, Meng Ouyang, Narges Zali

Manzar Hossain, PhD

Yi-Jun Sheu, PhD

Meng Ouyang, PhD

Sanjay Naik, PhD

Kimberly Hane

Narges Zali

Anthony Cocozzelli